Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It takes a creative advertisement to capture my attention. I am sure that most would agree that advertising has become obnoxious. I enjoy the ads that utilize humor. Call me silly if you like, but my friend and I laugh uncontrollably at the all-state insurance commercials. She has them all downloaded on her phone. The guy in the commercials slips into different characters in order to show viewers how important reliable insurance is. One favorite is where he acts like he is a direction device on the phone. He tells the driver, "Turn right...NOW!" The guy turns on to a sidewalk full of people while crashing into cars. Then the character smiles as he says, "You have reached your destination."
Another ad I have admired is one that does not utilize humor, but uses fashion and comfort. It's the pajama pant infomercial. Who wouldn't want to look good while wearing jeans that feel like pajamas? Heck, yes. The only problem is they are $50 per pair. That is a turnoff.

1 comment:

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